Monday, July 22, 2013

We interrupt this pity party to count our blessings

I’m having a bad day. No particular reason, just a bunch of little stupid things. My bosses are away for the whole day and I’m left with a list of things to do. Great, except I can’t do some of them. The most annoying is the ironing. I don’t particularly like ironing and I find a lot of it pointless but whatever. It’s my job. I’ll do it and try to be joyful. Except the stupid thing needs water again (because EVERYTHING has to be ironed on full steam so the reservoir empties fast) but for some reason, I can’t get the dumb thing open. I’ve done it once. It’s just a “push and twist” thing but today, like the last time I tried, it’s not working. So I have a pile of things I don’t even want to iron (table cloths, sheets, etc) all piled up and mocking me.

Second, I am supposed to clean the guest bedroom…except apparently the guests aren’t leaving today? It’s not a big deal, they’re nice people but I can’t really clean when their stuff is all over and I feel like an intruder when I go in there. So I remade the bed and left everything else. Colour me confused.

Third, it’s hot and I’m cranky. I’m homesick and tired because we had a big dinner party last night and I went to bed a bit late and then everyone was up before me (normally I’m up first and I have come to really enjoy the quiet time in the morning) so I started the day feeling like I failed even though my boss assured me it’s all good. It’s just one of those days where I feel like I’m on the verge of tears. Anyway, I’m just tired of the language barrier and tired of living in someone else’s house where you’re never totally sure of the expectations. And I miss my family and my friends even though I’d probably be just as hot and miserable in Ontario.

So what is going well? I need to remind myself.
-          It’s a beautiful day out and there is a nice breeze which keeps me from totally losing it
-          I have the house to myself. Normally I love it when I’m here alone. I prefer working when there isn’t anyone around, I just wish I COULD work.
-          We have lots of awesome leftovers from dinner last night, which means I don’t have to cook. And we have tiramisu for dessert.
-          My sweeping went particularly fast this morning
-          I know my boss won’t mind all that much that I didn’t get the ironing done but this is the second time I haven’t been able to open that stupid thing and I’m feeling incompetent
-          My French is getting really good and I even understood some of the jokes that were told last night
-          The fireworks were particularly spectacular last night
-          I only have five weeks left here (six until I get back to Canada). I know I shouldn’t be wishing my time away but I’m ready to go home.
-          The big cactus bloomed again. The flowers only last for a day or so and I love seeing them. I didn’t realized it bloomed more than once.
-          I’m really, really enjoying the French Paul Baloche CD that my friend Joy sent me. The music is both joyful and calming and I listen to it all the time.

-          My boss made a point of saying that things went well for the dinner party last night. As someone who’s love language is “encouraging words” (especially at work) that meant a lot. 

UPDATE: Before I got around to posting this I also talked to my mom for over an hour which really helped. And the Royal Baby is here so it's an exciting day :)

1 comment:

Martha said...

Might I suggest you start with the tiaramasu and work your way backwards? Dessert first is a sure fire way to break the traveling blues.

Hang in there....